John C. Pillman was an enterprising farmer and produce dealer. Following the death of his father, he operated the family farm. He grew large acreages of potatoes. He owned the warehouse at New Annan Sta- tion where he stored potatoes for himself and other farmers. He provided work for many men in his daily operation of farm business. In later life, he sold the establishment to Simmons and MacFarlane.
Benjamin and his wife Annie also farmed. They are now retired but still reside at their Traveller's Rest home.
George Ramsay was formerly from Hamilton. In 1914 he bought the farm from Harry Stewart. In 1916 he married Harriet Louise Phillips. Their daughters are: Myrtle, at home, and Evelyn, Mrs. Lorne Waite, Norboro. Besides farming George sold Massey-Harris machinery for a while for George Sutherland, Charlottetown. He also was a car salesman and potato inspector for the area in the vicinity of Charlottetown.
When he retired, due to ill health, he sold the farm to Simmons and MacFarlane. He died in 1965. Mrs. Ramsay and Myrtle continue to live in their home in Traveller’s Rest.
Edwin Rayner lived on the Barbara Weit road on the farm, afterwards owned by the Pillmans. He married Libby Pillman.
Another Edwin Rayner sold his land to William Heffell. This land is now the two lower fields belonging to Harry Heffell just north of his home.
The first Rayner family to settle in Traveller’s Rest came from Eng- land in 1828 and settled at Tilson's Creek, now known as Rayner's Creek. Their first home was a log cabin which in due time was replaced by a house which served as a homestead for over 150 years. It was known as the Ernest-Rayner homestead. After the death of Mr. Rayner the land was pur- chased by Roy Walker, and the house was torn down.
James Rayner and his wife Mary Ann Simmons had a family of six boys and two girls. One son, William Alexander, married Amy Cannon and they had a family of nine boys and two girls, namely: Robert, Violet, Isaac, Ernest, Otis, Emily, Charles, James, Elmore, Howard and Martha. Some moved to Western Canada, others to United States. Those surviving at present are Martha in California and Elmore in Saskatchewan.
While in USA, Ernest met and married Harriet Williams of Tyne Valley. They returned to P.E.l. in 1918 to reside in Traveller's Rest. They had a family of 12 children namely:
Loring, who married Margaret Pickering (deceased) of Sea View 71