of the same company.

They have three children: Marcia, R.N., is married to Robert Clark, office clerk with the P.E.I. Bag Co.. Summerside. Marcia and Robert with their young son, Robin, recently moved to Traveller's Rest, having purchased the home of Mrs. Major MacDonald.

David is with the RCMP. and is presently stationed in Toronto. Donna, a student of the University of Prince Edward lsland, plans a nursing career.


(See Heffell history)


Donald Steele and family lived on the farm now owned by Benjamin Pillman on the Lower New Annan road.

They had a family of two sons and one daughter.

Joe bought the farm from his father. He lived there until his death. Shortly before his death he had sold the farm to Mr. Pillman.

The other son, John, worked as a Carriage Builder at the Bowness Carriage Shops.


George and Winnifred Stewart bought a house from Fred Ross and came from Crapaud to the district in July 1972.

George is an employee of the Prince Edward island Government in the Environmental Control division.

They had the following family: Melanie, (Mrs. Hartinger), Toronto, Ontario; Lynda, (Mrs. Gerald Mann), Kensington; Gail, (Mrs. Desmond Lecky), Charlottetown. June works in Toronto, Ontario; Karen attends Sum- merside High School and Kathleen attends Athena School. George is a student at Sherbrooke school.


William W. Taylor moved to Traveller's Rest from Granville in 1921. He bought the late Harry Walker's farm. His wife was Melvina Yeo. They

had one son George.

George married Phyllis Moase, New Annan and purchased the farm from Robert C. Marchbank in 1941, formerly the Townsend property. In 1969 Robert Taylor bought William and George Taylor’s farms.

In 1972 George and Phyllis Taylor moved to Summerside and their 75