Montgomery never married but lived in the home place until his death. James married Eliza Walker and moved to New Annan to the farm now owned by Walter Moase . Anne never married but lived with her brother Thomas. Anne's twin, Zellah, married James Muirhead of Summerside . Eliza married Archibald Ramsay and lived in Hamilton. URCH FAMILY Ephraim (Ed) Urch and his wife, Mabel Ellen MacArthur , their two children, David and Edna, came from western Canada to live in Traveller's Rest in 1925. ( Mr. Urch really came the year before). They boarded at the home of Alex Champion , north of Traveller's Rest Hall for about a year, then bought a lot of land and house, which was then situated on land between the hall and school. The land was later sold to the Hall Company or the Women's Institute and the house was hauled to property owned by Mr. Urch , which is presently lived in and owned by the wife of the late Davis Moase . This house was quite old and had layers of birch-bark betwen the boards and shingles. Mr. Urch had a large Silver and Black Fox Ranch and was a very prominent man in that industry. At one time the Urch family, resided in Kensington , P.E.I. Ephraim Urch Jr. was born in , New Hampshire , U.S.A ., son of Ephraim Urch Sr. and Arabella Vennard , of the same place. Mabel Ellen MacArthur was born in Margate , daughter of Newton Lee MacArthur and Catherine MacArthur . Edna Vennard Urch was born in Margate . David Sherman Urch was born in Summerside . One of the nurses who waited on Mrs. Urch at the time of David's birth was Ann Elizabeth Pillman . now Mrs. Wesley Paynter . whose family lived in Traveller's Rest David became a druggist and at the time of his death was vice-president in charge of marketing, of the Ayerst Pharmaceutical House, Montreal. He was married to Dorothy Flower of Lancaster, N.B. and they had three children. Edna married George Waite , son of Horatio and Mary Waite. They have no children. Mr. and Mrs. Urch were very community minded and gave of their time and ability to the welfare of Traveller's Rest district. They were very popular with all ages and their home was open to many social gatherings. WAITE James Theodore Waite purchased the James England farm in 1932 and moved to Traveller's Rest. He was the son of John and Elizabeth Rayner Waite and married Jessie Belle Chisholm . They had one son Fred who was born in Boston, He married Ruth Waugh , North Bedeque . They resided with his parents on their TravĀ¬ eller's Rest farm. Fred and Ruth had one daughter, Doris. She is married to Newton MacArthur, Kensington , and has five children. The Waites 77