H.M. Peter Westin is the second born of three sons of the Reverend Canon H.M.D. Westin, rector of St. Peter’s Cathedral, 1974-90, and his wife Margaret. Aflzer completing High School in Amherst, N.S. he attended Mount Allison University, Sackville, N.B. where he was awared a BA. in History, and a B.Ed. Returning to university twice in later years he earned an MA. in British and Imperial History, and an M.Ed. in Curriculum Studies, both from Dalhousie University in Halifax, N .S.

Peter is a teacher by vocation and has H‘M° Peter weStm

taught school for seven years. He spent three

years overseas teaching in Zimbabwe through World University Services. He also taught for three years in St. Theresa Point, a native reserve in northler Manitoba. He is currently the teaching Principal of a small multi-grade scho»ol in the interlake region of Manitoba. For one year, 1989-90, he was the Coordinator of the Prayer Book Society, Nova Scotia and P.E.I. Branch, amd the Coordinator of the South-End Halifax Christian Education Program in the public school system.

Peter is married with five children Shane, Joseph, Edwarvd, Kathleen and Paul.
