CHAPTER I The Founding of St. Peter’s Cathedral, Charlottetown .......... 1 Local circumstances in Charlottetown ........................ 2 —— The decisions for a new additional church ..................... 4 The mode of worship in the new church ....................... 7 CHAPTER II Establishment of Diocesan Church Societies and Movement Toward a Diocesan Synod ......................................... 17 —— The inception of a Movement for an Island See ................ 25 CHAPTER III Establishment of the Church of England on Prince Edward Island .................................. 32 The First "Bishop of Nova Scotia" ........................... 35 —— The Church of England "established" on P.E.I. ................. 37 The Second "Bishop of Nova Scotia" ......................... 39 Legal Difficulties Associated with the PEI Church Act of 1802 ..... 40 The Third "Bishop of Nova Scotia" .......................... 42 Divisions within the Areas Under "Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction" ..... 45 The Fourth "Bishop of Nova Scotia" ......................... 45 CHAPTER IV The Reverend G.W. Hodgson at St. Peter’s ................... 48 Selection of the Bishop’s Chaplain .......................... 48 Early Episcopal Visits by Bishop Binney ..................... 55 Attack Against Anglo-Catholic practices ..................... 56 —- The Staff Question ...................................... 60 -—- Resolutions from the Congregation of St. Paul’s Church .......... 62 ~— Bishop Binney’s response to the Resolutions ................... 63 CHAPTER V Life at St. Peter’s Under the Reverend George W. Hodgson ..... 65 Official opening of St. Peter’s Boys’ School .................... 65 The Consecration of St. Peter’s as a Cathedral ................. 66 Induction of the Reverend George W. Hodgson

as First Priest Incumbent ................................. 66 St. Peter’s School for Girls and Junior Boys ................... 68 Consecration of the Cathedral for Prince Edward Island ......... 69 The Measure of the Man ................................. 71 Community Interests and Involvements ...................... 75 The End of the Reverend G.W. Hodgson’s Ministry .............. 75