APPENDIX ............................................ 184 Church events ........................................ 184 Clergy of St. Peter’s and the Trustees of St. Peter’s ............ 187 Headmasters, Assistant Headmasters of St. Peter’s Boys’ School

and Principals of Girls’ School ............................ 188 —— Scholars who took King’s College,

Windsor, N .S. Matriculation Exams ........................ 189


The Right Reverend Hibbert Binney, Bishop of Nova Scotia .......... 4 William Cundall ........................................... 6 E.J. Hodgson, Master of Rolls ................................. 9 The Right Reverend Charles Inglis ............................ 36 St. Peter’s Cathedral, circa 1883 .............................. 47 The Rev’d. George W. Hodgson ............................... 53 Sister Theresa Cundall ..................................... 57 Geo. Farish, 1878 ......................................... 58 The Rev’d. Mr. Fitzgerald ................................... 61 St. Peter’s Schools’ Advertisement and Boys of St. Peter’s School ..... 67 St. Peter’s Cathedral, Interior ................................ 70 Mrs. Gertrude Hodgson .................................... 76 The Rev’d. W.B. King ...................................... 81 The Rev’d. James Simpson .................................. 84 The Right Reverend Frederick Courtney, Bishop of Nova Scotia ...... 94 The Hon. Heath Haviland, Mayor of Charlottetown ............... 96 The Rev’d. Frederick E.J. Lloyd .............................. 97 St. Peter’s Boys’ Band ..................................... 100 Mrs. E. J. Hodgson ....................................... 103 His Honour, Lieutenant-Governor J .S. Carvell .................. 120 William Enman ......................................... 121 Mr. Fred Scovill ......................................... 123 St. Peter’s Boys’ School Group Photograph ..................... 124 The Rev’d. J.L.S. Foster ................................... 130 St. Peter’s Boys’ and Girls’ Schools outside new hall .............. 132 The Rev’d. T.H. Hunt ..................................... 133 Walter Cotton ........................................... 134 Walter B. Brady, 1910; Earl Whitlock, 1911 .................... 159 Chief Justice E.J. Hodgson ................................. 160 The Rev’d. Canon James Simpson ............................ 169 Frederick Thornton Peters ................................. 171 Honour Roll for those who served in World War I ................ 173 The Right Reverend F. Osbourne, SSJE, Bishop of Niagara ........ 175 Jubilee Picture of Priests, Choir and Servers, 1919 ............... 176