passed in 1856. The Assemblies continued to be held every two years and the question remained unsolved, although periodically discussed, for several years.
In 1864 the Diocesan Synod of Nova Scotia was incorporated, giving it the power and authority to regulate the affairs of the church in matters relating to discipline, and necessary to order and good government at the Diocesan level. By the fifth session in July of 1864 the Synod delegates had shified ground to adopt a position very close to that held by the Island parishes:
That it appears to this Synod that under the Act of Incorporation the Church of England in Prince Edward Island is not included in the Diocesan Synod of Nova Scotia.7
The intent of the Act of Incorporation (passed on April 29th, 1863) was clearly set out in its phraseology:
Whereas, it is deemed just and expedient to incorporate the Diocesan Synod of the United Church of England and Ireland of this Province, for the purpose of enabling them to hold, acquire, and manage real and personal estate for religious purposes;
Be it, therefore, enacted by the Governor, Council, as follows: I. The Synod, consisting of the Bishop, Clergy and Representatives of the Laity of the United Church of England and Ireland in this Province, shall be a body politic and corporate by the name of ‘The Diocesan Synod of Nova Scotia’, and by that name may take, receive, and hold real and personal estate; and may let, sell, convey, or otherwise dispose of and manage the same or any part thereof.
II. Nothing in this Act shall extend to abridge or effect in any way the rights or privileges of any person or persons not being members of the said Synod, nor of any corporations, nor shall extend in any manner to confer any Spiritual jurisdiction or ecclesiastical rights whatsoever upon the said Synod or their successors.8
The Government of Nova Scotia did not have the legal power or authority to incorporate a Diocesan Synod which extended outside of the Provincial Boundaries of that colony.
It was not until the tenth session of the Diocesan Assembly (now called
25. Extract from a summary of the first five Synod meetings, Sixth Session of the Diocesan Synod of Nova Scotia. p.10.
26. Act of Incorporation of the Diocesan Synod of Nova Scotia. Sixth Session of the Diocesan SEod of Nova Scotia. 1866.