and Province of Nova Scotia .11 Synod reserved the motion for consideration at the next session, at the same time asking the Executive Committee to study possible changes in those documents that would render the clergy and laity of Prince Edward Island eligible to sit as members of the Assembly . When the eleventh session of the Diocesan Assembly met in 1874, the Executive Committee reported its opinion that: with reference to the union of Prince Edward Island with the Synod , the Committee report that, in their opinion, the members of the Church in Prince Edward Island , were excluded from the Synod only by the Act of Incorporation, and they recommend to the Synod that steps be taken to have the necessary alterations made in that Act. They also recommend that to avoid misunderstanding in future a declaratory resolution be passed, defining what is intended by the word '' as used in the Constitution of the Synod .12 The Executive Committee liberally interpreted the task set before them by the Resolution passed at the previous session of the Diocesan Synod . That resolution asked the Executive Committee to reconsider alterations to the Constitution and Act of Incorporation of the Diocesan Synod that would "render clergymen and representatives from Prince Edward Island eligible to seats in this Assembly ."13 In the Report presented in 1874, the Executive Committee spoke of its findings "with reference to the union of Prince Edward Island with the Synod "14. Under the Act of Incorporation passed by the Legislature of Nova Scotia and signed by the Lieutenant - Governor on April 29th, 1863 the Diocesan Synod was exempted from this type of liberal interpretation of its own authority. This fact is immediately clear upon reading the second Clause of the Act of Incorporation: II. Nothing this Act shall extend to abridge or effect in any way the*rights or privileges of any person or persons not being members of the said Synod , nor of any corporation, nor shall extend in any manner to confer any spiritual jurisdiction or ecclesiastical rights whatsoever upon the said Synod or their 29. Ibid. 30. Report of the Executive Committee of the Diocesan Synod of Nova Scotia , 1874. Report of the Diocesan Synod , 1874. 31. Ibid. 32. Ibid. 23