wide leadership on the issue. It was, after all, the only self-supporting parish on Prince Edward Island . A meeting was held at St. Paul's on August 4th, 1862 to discuss the prospects for establishing a separate See for the Island. Many prominent community officials who were members of St. Paul's congregation were there, including: Mayor Thomas Heath Haviland , Chief Justice Robert Hodgson, Edward Palmer the President of the Executive Council, and George Coles a well known member of the House of Assembly . The meeting had been prompted by a letter from Henry Hazard , dated July 10th, in which he promised to approach "parties in England " to contribute towards the raising of capital for an endowment fund for the proposed See for Prince Edward Island . Mr. Hazard was at that time the Colonial Commissioner to a Trade Exhibition in London, England . His letter was read at the meeting and the merits of the idea were discussed. In the letter he suggested that the best way to proceed was to draft and transmit a memorial to the Queen on the matter of establishing a separate See for the Island, which should be "largely and respectably signed".21 The meeting approved several positive steps by which to move closer to fulfilment of that goal. The first was through an official affirmation of the desire for a Bishopric for Prince Edward Island by local members of the Church of England. Mr. Charles Palmer moved a motion, adopted on a majority vote, that there was a consensus "of opinion that the interests of the Church of England in this Island will be greatly advanced by appointment of a resident Bishop separated from the of Nova Scotia ."21 A second resolution adopted at the meeting stressed that those present: are desirous of expressing their sense of the blessing under God which their present Diocesan had proved to this Island but regret that his non-residence deprived them to a great extent of an efficient supervision and trust that His Lordship will use his influence to promote the wishes of this meeting with respect to erecting this Island into a separate See. A third motion, moved by Mr. William Cundall , authorized Mr. Hazard to proceed with the blessings of those present at the meeting to take all steps necessary to achieve an endowment for the proposed Island See. This motion cleared the way in order that a Memorial could be prepared and presented to that effect on behalf of the churchmen of Prince Edward Island . A fourth 39. Letter . Charles Palmer to Henry Hazard , Charlottetown , August 6th, 1862. St. Peter 's Cathedral Archives. 40. Congregational Meeting of St. Paul's Church. August 4th, 1862. St. Peter 's Cathedral Archives. 41. Ibid. 27