iallow us the same liberty which they themselves already enjoy, or worshipping God in that way which most strengthens and enlivens our devotions. And we may well remember, after all, that our earthly worship is but an imperfect attempt, in various ways, to imitate the glorious worship of the Heavenly Hosts who surround the Throne of the Lamb. When God brings us all, as we pray Him to do, to join in that worship, there will be no differences there. Until that time we surely will not judge one another, but endeavor each, in all earnestness and sincerity, and judge only ourselves.
‘ One other subject I would mention. There is a debt upon this church. A sum of about 4,400.00 (pounds) has been spent upon it, of which about 2,700.00 (pounds) is still due. A large sum, if we are inclined to give grudgingly to God. A very small sum, if we consider it a privilege to give to Him, and thinking of what is spent upon the comfort and adornment of ourselves and our own houses, feel jealous for the House of our God, and desire to see it a beautiful as well as holy house. I ask you, then, to give liberally, according to your power, either through the collections taken in church or otherwise, towards removing this debt and providing still more for the beauty and comfort of this House of God.
Asking again for your prayers for the success of our work, I remain, your brother in the Lord Jesus. George W. Hodgson, Chaplain of St. Peter’s.72
This pamphlet provides some interesting information. The cost of constructing the church building was approximately 4,400.00 pounds of which about 1,700.00 had been solicited by the Building Committee. These amounts were in sharp contrast to the original resolution which called for the construction of a new church which was not to exceed 800.00 pounds to erect. The amount spent indicates that the need was there for a new church. It also indicates that 800.00 pounds was insufficient to construct a church that could be self supporting. Finally, it indicates fairly significant support, numerically and financially, from within the old congregation of St. Paul’s for a new church which would offer a different type of worship service. The completion of the new church was due to two main factors: the support given by the Bishop of
Nova Scotia; and the backing provided by some of the prominent and wealthy members of the old Parish Church.
St. Peter’s Church was officially opened on Sunday August 22nd, With a special 11:00 am. service of "Litany in Procession and a Solemn Celebration of Holy Communion". Bishop Hibbert Binney was the preacher and celebrant. The Reverend J. Ambrose was deacon and the Reverend G.W. Hodgson acted as subdeacon for the occasion. The official opening commenced a week of special services. Every morning there was a celebration of Holy Communion
72. (Pamphlet) "To the Congregation worshipping in St. Peter’s Church, Charlottetown." August 22nd, 1869.