very large number who come more or less frequently to St. Peter’s. One manifest advantage of this is, that it makes the mission of the Church very extensive, by bringing a large number within the range of its influence.74
He was also able to report that services had been held almost without interruption, with Holy Communion being celebrated on every Sunday and Holy Day. Fifty-one celebrations had taken place since the Church had opened, always as choral celebrations with sermons preached. In addition, a further 289 services had been held (Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, special services, etc.). The Sunday School included a Bible Class for young men and the total combined to approximately 100 individuals. A Communion Class was held every fortnight, in the Vestry of the Church, and was being regularly attended. The Reverend Mr. Hodgson spoke admiringly of "the help so willingly given by the members of the congregation. This is particularly noteworthy in the case of the many young men who, in the choir and otherwise, have cheerfully done all they could, and seemed to think nothing a trouble that they did."75
The advent of worship services at St. Peters brought a new dimension to the life of the Church of England on Prince Edward Island. The rekindling of old traditions and ceremonial celebrations infused new life into the worship practices of those attending the new church. To read the description of services such as those of Christmas 1870 it becomes easy to imagine the reaction that startled visiting observers in the congregation, knowledgeable only of the current worship practices at the Parish Church, must have had to the innovations at St. Peters:
December 25 (From the 21$t to the 24th - inclusive the daily prayers as usual) Evensong of 24th at 11:15. Celebration at midnight. Service commenced with Procession from the South door headed by Processional Cross, Banner of the Blessed Sacrament also being carried. Church decorated, chancel screen with text "Christ is born in Bethlehem", Decorations in chancel-reredos surmounted with Cross. Four Standards with 15 lights in each burning. Frontal of altar, "O Come let us adore Him". Texts on Chancel Walls, Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Emmanuel. Evensong at 3:30 p.m. without Sermon. Before Consecration "Benedictus qui venit" sung.76
Bishop Hibbert Binney had at last achieved a solution to the problem which had faced him in Charlottetown, and had established a church directly
74. Diocesan Church Society Annual Report. 1869. 75. Ibid.
76. Register of St. Peter’s Church Services. December 25th, 1870.