The Consecration of St. Peter 's as a Cathedral. Bishop Binney returned to consecrate St. Peter 's as a Cathedral on August 3rd, 1873. He took the opportunity of his visit to show his support for the work being conducted at the Church by the Reverend G.W. Hodgson and the evident faithfulness of the members of the congregation. Speaking of the mode of worship employed at the Cathedral Services, Bishop Binney said, "That while he did not pledge himself to the approval of every detail of the services of this Church, any more than he did in the case of other Churches, yet of the principles on which the services were here conducted he most heartily approved. These principles he understood were mainly two. That worship was the chief object of Christians assembling in the House of God, and that the Holy Eucharist was the highest act of Christian worship." In connection to this, "he impressed upon them the due use of all the means of grace, especially the highest, the receiving of the blessed Sacrament of Christ's Body and Blood, warning against substituting the assisting at the services for communicating...The custom of Fasting Communions he considered unquestionably a traditional usage of the Catholic Church, from very early times, and therefore to be observed by all who could do so."92 Additions to the furnishings of the church building were undertaken shortly after completion of the construction phase. Architectural student William Critchlow Harris wrote home in September 1870 saying that he was making a design for a Rood Screen for St. Peter 's Church. It is unclear who the architect for the present Cathedral Rood Screen was, but in any event it was erected, along with seven hanging lamps, for Christmas Eve in 1873. The Rood Screen which survives today is not considered to be a proper and permanent Rood Screen. It appears to be something of a more temporary nature. Meanwhile, by 1873, W.C. Harris had already drawn a design for a Church it was hoped would be built at P.E. I under the G.W. Hodgson . Unfortunately, for the people of Souris and the Church of England on the Island, this project never materialized. Induction of the Reverend G.W. Hodgson as First Priest Incumbent. The Reverend G.W. Hodgson was inducted as Priest-Incumbent of St. Peter 's Cathedral on August 5th, 1874. Now, fully in charge of the operation of the Cathedral, he continued the gradual introduction of further Tractarian reforms. St. Peter 's Cathedral became the focal point of what the Reverend Dr. Fitzgerald and others referred to as the 'High Church Party' both within Prince Edward Island , and for the Province and of Nova Scotia . It was 92- The Church Chronicle. Vol. V , No. 33, August 14th, 1873. 66