The Rev’d. W.B. King, Assistant Priest & Schoolmaster St. Peter’s Cathedral, 1882-1885; Forced to retire from the priesthood due to failing eyesight in 1900 he devoted the last 28 years of his life to writing under the name of Basil King.

Indies. He served in the temporary capacity as Priest-In—Charge of St. Peter’s until late in 1886 when the decision was made to offer the permanent position

to the Reverend James Simpson.

There was also a second vacancy to be filled, that of the dual capacity as Schoolmaster of St. Peter’s Boys’ School and Choirmaster of the Cathedral. On a motion proposed by Mr. W.L. Cotton, and seconded by Mr. E.J. Hodgson, steps were taken to advertise and find an individual to fill this position. Mr. Lawrence W. Watson was subsequently appointed to fill this vacant position.

Decisions were required on two other financial matters. The first