"Found in human Fashion." Manifest in the Flesh." The natural flowers at the foot of the lectern complete the decorations of the nave. The pillars of the rood- screen are wreathed with spruce, as is also the rood itself, the interstices of the arches being filled with colored transparencies. On one side of the east window is a band of white with the word "Peace." in red letters upon it; on the other side is a similar one bearing the counterpart "Goodwill." The altar is vested with a new dossal of white and blue with embroidered wings to match.113 The Christmas music was well chosen and admirably performed, in keeping with the preparations made for the occasion. Mr. Lawrence W. Watson , Organist for the Cathedral, composed new music for the Magnificat which was rendered ably by the choir on December 26th . It complemented nicely the spirit and words of the "Song of Mary". In addition, Mr. Watson also wrote an accompaniment for the coronet, played by Mr. George Foster , leader of the St. Peter 's Boys' School Band. Induction as Priest Incumbent and DCS outreach from the Cathedral. The Reverend James Simpson was inducted as Priest Incumbent of St. Peter 's on Sexagesima Sunday (which usually falls sometime during the month of February), early in 1887. It was not long before he was actively taking part in the life of the Church on Prince Edward Island . During the February meeting of the Diocesan Church Society of P. E.I , he moved a motion that called for the establishment of a Committee to solicit Island-wide subscriptions for the support of a travelling missionary to visit some of the more remote areas where there was no church established or presently in operation. The Committee was directed to report to the Executive Committee at the end of one month. Father Simpson was one of nine men chosen to form that Committee. The Reverend Mr. Simpson also seconded a motion put forward by the Reverend C. CMeara (St. Paul's Church, Charlottetown ) that the D.C.S . petition the local Legislature for an Act which would enable it to use the interest of its Endowment Fund. The Secretary of the Society was instructed to take all necessary action in that matter. A formal vote of thanks was extended to the Priests who had filled in at St. Peter 's during the time in which the Incumbency was vacant. It was noted that they had, from time to time, gone to Georgetown to hold services and visit among the people. The Priests who had filled in at St. Peter 's were: the Rev'd V.E. Harris ( Amherst ); J.A. Kaulbach (Truro); F.W. Murray ( Minor Canon ); E.A. Harris and W.B. King (Curates of the Cathedral); David Neish (late Curate of St. Paul's, Halifax ); and for a longer period — the Rev'd Richard Harris (St. Matthias, 113. Ibid. 86