Georgetown Church building is sixty years old but it is in a good state of repair having been thoroughly renovated twenty-five years ago. There has been no resident Clergyman for six years. Mr. J. Easton a most worthy man and licensed layreader has supplied services in the absence of a clergyman for the long period of forty-one years. Since the departure of the late resident clergyman the sacraments have been extended to this parish by the clergy in connection with St. Peter 's Church, Charlottetown . There are at present thirteen Church families in the settlement and they are a most loyal people. There is no glebe or any source of income other than that supplied by your venerable society from which the Church is largely indebted to you, and the offerings of the people themselves. A Church school has been in existence here and presided over by Mr. Easton forty-three years. The building is in a very dilapidated condition at present; but there are no funds to furnish the most needed repairs. During the past year Mr. J. Easton , lay-reader has held 209 services in the Church. St. Peter 's clergy giving 15 celebrations of the Holy Communion. Mount Stewart . Twenty-four miles from Georgetown , Church of St. Alban was built in 1860. Served by Clergymen stationed at Georgetown . There were formerly fifteen Church families here but they have largely diminished from different causes, principally however, those already indicated. There have been no regular services held in this settlement for a period of seven years. The Church is possessed of land here which would furnish a site for a parsonage and garden, but no more. At present there are about ten families eager to avail themselves of the Church ministrations when such can be supplied. The last confirmation was held in 1876. The roof of the church was re shingled last summer, and in consequence of the continuous hammering thereon the inside plaster was loosened and large portions have since fallen off. Services cannot therefore be held until this is remedied, which we hope will be at no distant date. Alberry Plains . The Church at this place was built in 1864, and is situated about eight miles from Cherry Valley . It has had no service for six years, and was attached with Cherry Valley and Mount Stewart to the Mission of Georgetown . Formerly there were ten families here belonging to the Church of England but since the cessation of the Church's Services they have allied themselves with other religious bodies. It cannot however be said for a moment that their affections for their Mother Church have been permanently alienated thereby as witness their repeated calls for those spiritual privileges which they have lost. It is earnestly to be hoped that the means necessary to revive the work here as elsewhere in our Island will be forthcoming in God's good providence. The Church possesses here one acre of land. Cherry Valley . The Church in this place was built in the year 1842. It has been six years since there was a clergyman in charge (vide Georgetown ). Since 92