that time services have been held from time to time by the Clergy of St. Peter 's and St. Paul's Charlottetown . There are fourteen resident Church families; there ought to be more: there probably will be when the regular services which I have been able to institute will have become permanent. There are 100 acres of glebe land which are rented. From the foregoing it must be quite patent to your Society that the several settlements denominated cannot be supplied by one clergyman. The experiment has been made and persevered in for a long period, but it has failed. From Georgetown to Cherry Valley is 21 miles, to Mount Stewart 24 miles, to Alberry Plains 13 miles.116 Throughout the year regular services were held at Georgetown on Sundays, holidays and during lent, by the layreader, Mr. Easton . Once a month on a weekday one of the Clergy from St. Peter 's went to Georgetown throughout the winter and spring to hold celebrations of the Holy Eucharist. Father Simpson was able to arrange that during the summer the Reverend W.E. Cooper , B.D . (of Trinity College School, Port Hope, Ontario ) spent two months there and administered daily services and weekly communions. After the end of the summer a Priest was scheduled to visit one Sunday each month. Regular fortnightly services were also held at Cherry Valley except when ice was forming in the harbor and it was impossible to cross. Only one celebration of Holy Communion could be arranged in 1887 but plans were made to administer it in the future more regularly. Bishop Courtney lays the Hodgson Memorial Chapel Cornerstone. 1888 proved to be a year filled with new beginnings for the work of St. Peter 's Cathedral. Bishop Frederick Courtney made his inaugural visit to the Island on June 1st and the following day laid the cornerstone of the Hodgson Memorial Chapel (now known as All Souls' Chapel) as part of a special ceremony marking the occasion. The new Bishop arrived at the wharf via the steamer 'Princess of Wales ' on the evening of June 1st, accompanied by his Chaplain, the Reverend Mr. Lancaster (of Halifax ), the Reverend S. Weston - Jones of St. Paul's, Charlottetown , Mrs. Poole , Mr. Ings , L.H. Davies and F.H. Arnaud . They were met by representative members of St. Peter 's and St. Paul's, amongst whom were the Reverend James Simpson , the Reverend Fred E . J. Lloyd , Mr. Cundall , F. Brecken , L.H. Davies , E.J. Hodgson , W.L. Cotton , F.T. Newbery , P. Pope and L.W. Watson , assembled at the wharf to welcome the newly consecrated prelate. 116. Ibid. 93