the foundation stone: Photographs of the Reverend George W. Hodgson, the Memorial Card of the Rev’d G.W. Hodgson, a copy of his "Notes for Confirmation Classes", press notices of his death and burial, daily papers for June lst, Badges and books of the various societies of the Church, newspaper accounts of different events in the history of St. Peter’s Church, medals of the Church of England Temperance Society, congregational Reports of St. Peter’s Church, Diocesan Society Reports, Prince Edward Island coins, and a copy of the Office for laying the cornerstone were all enclosed.

After the laying of the stone by the Bishop, the hymn "The Church’s One Foundation" was sung heartily by the Choir and a large number of people present. The instrumental accompaniment to this and the other hymns was supplied by five members of the St. Peter’s Boys’ Brass Band.

At the conclusion of the service, the Honorable Thomas Heath Haviland (Mayor of Charlottetown), read an Address to Bishop Courtney on behalf of the Church Wardens of St. Peter’s. In it he congratulated the bishop on his election as successor to Bishop Binney, and welcomed him to Prince Edward Island, and especially to St. Peter’s. It said, in part:

Already we have had most comforting assurance that in your Lordship, the Church in the Diocese of Nova Scotia may boast of a champion of "The Faith once delivered to the Saints", who will guard valiantly and unflinchingly, all the interests of the "One Catholic and Apostolic Church”, and it is with deepest gratitude that we acknowledge the kindness and support shown by your Lordship to our Priest Incumbent, under trying circumstances.

It is most comfortable to be able to feel assured that in the successor to our late Father in God, Hibbert, fourth Bishop of Nova Scotia, we can lovingly reverence a prelate, wedded to the clearest interests of that portion of the Catholic Church, in which our lot has been cast, and we earnestly pray to Almighty God that your Lordship’s rule may be extended and multus annos and that you may see your charge advancing in power to His greater Glory.

It is a source of especial pleasure to us that the occasion of your Lordship’s first public appearance in this portion of your Diocese, has been at the laying of the foundation stone of a chapel erected to the memory of our late revered Incumbent, and in connection with the Church which our late Bishop designated as the Cathedral of this island, and in which he directed his chair to be placed.

With our congratulations and welcome, we therefore beg to offer your Lordship our hearty and very sincere than/res.117

117. The Daily Examiner. June 2nd, 1888.