copy. This idea vas formulated and agreed upon during two successive meetings of the Cleical Association during the latter half of 1888. Christmas; the Services and the Controversy. The service! in St. Peter 's Cathedral Church for Christmas were as follows: Midnight Hass at which there were 4 communicants, 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion with £7 communicants, and 11:00 a.m. Missa Cantata with an "appropriate and ebquent" sermon preached by Father Simpson. The Daily Examiner, reportec that: "The service was sung by the Reverend Fred E . J. Lloyd , the music beng Woodward in F. There was a very large congregation present, and the service was most heartily and reverently rendered."119 Although the Chrismas services were appropriately written up for readers of The Daily Examiner., readers of The Patriot, were not given details of these services. Some realers took exception to the manner in which the Cathedral was summarily dismissed in an offhand fashion by that newspaper. This prompted the following two Letters to the Editor which appeared in the December 28th edition of The Daily Examiner, in response to that treatment: At it Again. Sir. — On reading over the Patriot of Wednesday, Dec. 26th , which did not come under my notce till last evening, I observe what purports to be a "short summary" of the X-nas services in the churches, but which in reality is nothing more than a laudatory sketch of those held in St. Paul's and the Methodist Brick Churches, —the services in St. Dunstan's and St. Peter 's being disposed of in the following simmary fashion: "Services were also held in St. Dunstan's Cathedral and St. Peter 's Church." Judging from the foregoing, the effect of the Editor's conversion recently announced is not io long-lasting as I could have hoped; but as this is the season for making good resolutions, I trust that he will soon see his way clear to making a seconc reformation ..." ENQUIRER and: Christmas Services Sir. — Why is i : ~>hat the editor of the Patriot devoted half a column (in Wednesday's issue) to the services held in St. Paul's on Christmas Day , and passed over unnctixd the beautiful services of St. Dunstan's and St. Peter 's? This is not in keeping with his remarks with reference to advertisements. Comment is unnecessary." OUTSIDER.120 119. The Daily Ixaminer. December 26th , 1888. 120. The Daily Ixaminer. Friday, December 28th, 1888. 101