Rejuvenation: Outer and Inner. The congregation continued to expend considerable energy on a number of projects. The Memorial Chapel was high on the list of priorities. A total of over $1,800.00 had been raised towards the new Chapel by the time the official ceremony surrounding the laying of the cornerstone by Bishop Courtney took place early in the summer of 1888. An active participant in the raising of money for this project was the Ladies Sewing Society, which made several contributions. By this time the outer fabric of the Church itself was badly in need of an overhaul but this expenditure was put on hold until the following year as only so much money could be raised by the small congregation. Even with all of this outlay of capital, priorities such as immediate mission outreach were maintained and addressed in a practical manner. For example, the Offering collected at the Children's Epiphany Carol Service on January 6th, was used toward the education of an Indian (Native) child in British Columbia . Community and congregational responsibilities were not overlooked either. The sense of fellowship and goodwill that had been present at the November Concert was inspiration enough to schedule a repeat performance of Bamberg's Toy Symphony at the St. Peter 's School on January 23rd, with a program of additional items and performers being added to round out the evening affair. The repairs to the Church could not be put off indefinitely. At the Easter Monday Congregational Meeting, Mr. L.W. Watson , the Secretary of the churchwardens, reported that the building was in need of "extensive and immediate" repairs to its outer fabric. It was decided to proceed with the necessary repairs which were completed at a cost of $450.00 . Changes made to some of the school's classrooms provided more room to accommodate the students. A new vestry was also added to the Church building. Father Simpson continued his slow expansion of the number and type of services celebrated at the Cathedral, hoping eventually to institute a daily celebration of the Holy Eucharist as a sacrifice and offering to Almighty God. By the end of that year, 209 celebrations of Holy Communion had been offered at the Cathedral with a total of 907 services being held. Bequests, an Ordination and Services in the Memorial Chapel. The year 1889 marked the sudden passing away of Mrs. B.J. Hodgson , wife of Mr. Edward Jarvis Hodgson , after a very brief illness on October 21st, in Charlottetown . She had just recently returned from a trip to Fredericton before suffering an inflammation of her lungs. She left a number of bequests, 102