Hunt, taking place on the fourth Sunday in Advent, ordaining lim as a Priest in the Church of England. Other notable events that year at the Cathedral ~ Eucharistic vestments were introduced for the first time on January 8th, followed by the use of the first white cope worn in the Province of Canada at the Easter Celebrations. By late November, the Hodgson Menorial Chapel had reached the stage where all of the exterior work had been :ompleted and it could be used for services, etc. The Memorial Chapel was officially opened on November 26th, 1889.
Father Hunt continued his work at Mount Stewart, as did the Reverend Fred Lloyd at Georgetown and Cherry Valley. Writing about the latter, he was able to report that "there is sufficient evidence of the fact that the Church has gained here in many ways during the year." 121 Both parishes were able to pay their Rector’s stipend prornotly and the congregations continued to be satisfactory except in a few cases 11 Georgetown when it fell off quite a bit.
Two Stained Glass Windows, Easter Celebrations and Weekday Services.
1890 passed quietly and although a number of members of the Cathedral congregation left the Island for other parts of he world, new members had been found and some lapsed members encouraged back into the fold so that attendance at services, and contributions at Offerings, etc. had not decreased. The societies and organizations continued faithfulljl With the Band of Hope and the Girls’ Sewing Society being particulaily vigorous in attendance and fundraising.
The number of services and celebrations of Holy Conmunion again increased bringing the totals of 924 and 233 respectively. [uring the year, 3,028 Communions were made at St. Peter’s. Mr. E.J. Holgson and Mr. Watson were appointed as delegates to the King’s College C(ntennial at the Easter Congregational Meeting. Representative laymen from Pirjshes through out the Maritimes interested in higher education along Chirch lines were invited to take part in the June centennial Encenia celebration. During the year the interior decor of St. Peter’s improved with the donatior and dedication of two stained glass windows; one in memory of Mrs. B.J. thgson, and the other in memory of Mr. Frank Carvell. Mr. Watson, Secretary of the Churchwardens, presented the "Rules for the Graveyard" at the Easter Meeting in hopes that these might alleviate some of the problem experienced in the past concerning upkeep, etc. of the Cemetery.
121. Diocesan Church Society Reports. 1889.