A true measure of the vibrancy of any Parish is always the manner in which the major Feasts are celebrated. Easter Services were conducted with the usual careful preparations and joyful reverence that appropriately accompanied the festive occasion. Services were held every day throughout the first week of April, commencing with a special address on the character of Judas, on Monday March 31st. Addresses throughout the week centred on the characters of St. Peter , Caiphus, Herod and Pilate. A special Maundy Thursday service featuring the story of the cross, was sung on the Thursday prior to Good Friday, and the week's events culminated in the Easter Day celebrations on Sunday, The Daily Examiner, reported: The Easter festival was fully observed in St. Peter 's Church yesterday, and the attendance at all services was very large. The altar was beautifully decorated with flowers, while more were grouped about the lectern. There were three celebrations of the Blessed Sacrament, at 7:15, 8 and choral at 11 o'clock. At the last mentioned celebration, Rev. Fred E . J. Lloyd was celebrant, while Rev's T.H. Hunt and James Simpson acted as deacon and sub deacon respectively. The sermon was preached by Rev. T.H. Hunt . At. 7 p.m. Evensong was sung, followed by a procession of the choir around the church. Returning to the chancel the choristers formed a group on either side of the altar where a solemn "Te Deum" was sung, after which the Benediction was pronounced by Rev. James Simpson . A very able sermon was preached at this service by Rev. James Simpson .122 The Easter Season was special for another reason that year. It was at the Ash Wednesday celebration of Holy Eucharist in 1890 that Father Simpson finally began the practice of a Daily Eucharist at the Cathedral. Hodgson Memorial Chapel. By May of 1890 much of the work on the interior of the Memorial Chapel had been completed. The Daily Examiner, reported the progress of the work involved in fine detail: The interior of the Chapel which has lately been erected in connection with St. Peter 's Church in this city, to the pious memory of the late beloved Priest incumbent, George W. Hodgson , has just been enriched by the erection of an altar and reredos, and by the placing of a picture, which, for design, construction, beauty and general arrangement, surpasses anything yet seen in Canada in connection with the Anglican Church. We refer now to the sanctuary; as being the only interior portion of the building yet complete. The 122. The Daily Examiner. Monday, April 7th, 1890. 105