VIII Simpson: Status Of In Relation To The Of N.S. Paper Presented at the Missionary Conference in Yarmouth. During the year of 1893, when preparations were being planned to mark the Silver Jubilee of the founding of St. Peter 's Cathedral in 1894, Father Simpson went through some old documents and letters relating to the Trust Deed setting up the Cathedral and its true relationship to the Bishop and of Nova Scotia . He began to investigate the status of Prince Edward Island in relation to the of Nova Scotia and realized that over the years the true nature of that relationship had become cloudy and somewhat distorted. He brought up the question during a Missionary Conference held at Yarmouth on October 18th, 1893 in a paper he presented entitled "Some Obstacles to the Growth of the Church of England in Prince Edward Island ". The paper began by acknowledging that it was not directly addressing the topic, which was that of Missionary needs and opportunities, as " Prince Edward Island neither belongs to the diocese of Nova Scotia nor to the province of Scotia." 128 The first obstacle that he felt faced and handicapped the Church on the Island was the fact that: It is not generally known that Prince Edward Island is not part of the diocese of Nova Scotia , or that the Bishop of Nova Scotia is not Bishop of Prince Edward Island ; and yet this is the case ... Now, to the uninitiated the title of the Bishop may seem a mere matter of words, but the church on P.E.I , knows to its sorrow that it is not so, for it has been the source of continual trouble and not a little misunderstanding.129 He went on to illustrate that this situation made it impossible to obtain constant Episcopal supervision that was essential to the well-being of the Church. He pointed out that the first duty of any Bishop is to his diocese and concluded, "We cannot expect a bishop who conscientiously does his duty, to 128. The Daily Examiner. October 21 st,l 893. 129. Ibid. Ill