Superannuation Fund. The said Rules are drawn up by the Synod of N.S., including its members from P.E.I. Its first Rules refer to "every clergyman of the church of England in full orders within this Diocese" but in Rule 15 we find this: ”The clergy of Prince Edward Island now and hereafter in active service shall be accorded the same privileges as the clergy of Nova Scotia in relation to the Superannuation Fund. "“0
The writer ended his letter reminding readers that no Act of the Legislature of Nova Scotia could be effective in P.E.I. and that the powers granted to the Bishop of Nova Scotia in Section 13 are limited to "this Province" (N.S.) only.
DCS Resolution Concerning P.E.I. Status.
The conference and the ensuing letter seem to have aroused a good deal of interest and contention among churchmen as the matter was debated at the Annual Meeting of the Diocesan Church Society of P.E.I., held on Wednesday, February 7th, 1894. There was a lengthy discussion on the issue during which several members voiced reservations concerning the nature of the Island’s true relationship to the Diocese of Nova Scotia. The Reverend James Simpson moved a resolution, seconded by the Reverend William Hamlyn (Rector of St. Paul’s Church, Charlottetown) and carried upon a vote of those members present:
That, whereas doubts have been raised as to whether the Province of Prince Edward Island legally forms part of the Diocese of Nova Scotia, and it is expedient to remove such doubts; Therefore resolved that this Society do petition the Synod of Nova Scotia to take such steps as shall make P.E. Island an integral part of the Diocese of Nova Scotia. If not so already, an admit the clergy of the Parishes of RE. Island to all the privileges and advantages enjoyed by the clergy and parishes of the present Diocese of Nova Scotia.141
Following passage of the Resolution moved by Father Simpson, Mr. Carbonell, a layman from England, read a short paper entitled "First Impressions of a Stranger concerning the Church of England in Charlottetown". In this address, Mr., Carbonell referred to the danger of existing hostilities between the two congregations in Charlottetown. Some of the blame was left on the doorstep of certain members of the clergy.
A Letter to the Editor appearing in The Daily Examiner. on February
140. Ibid.
141. Diocesan Church Society Remit. 1893. Wednesday, February 7th, 1893.