15th by the Revermd W. Hamlyn and a response to that letter appearing the following day by Mr. Edward Carbonell , reveal that the paper dealt frankly with the problem )f "The unhappy divisions existing in her midst"142 which was a great detriment to the Church's growth. The Reverend Mr. Hamlyn felt that the paper hal been "largely composed of personal abuse and insult"143 towards himself aid decided not to make any further comment other than to put that fact on ptblic record. In his reply Mr. Carbonell explained that the paper consisted ony of his own candid impressions of the state of the Church here. He prefaced his statements with the quotation "a house divided against itself cannot stanc"144. He also spoke directly to the complaint lodged by the Reverend Mr. Hanlyn , saying: While it is repreheisible in laymen to encourage these divisions, for clergymen to do so is almos criminal. The laity are in the habit of receiving, and profiting by, merited rebukes from the clergy for want of charity, etc., and there are times when rdaliation is, under grievous provocation, perfectly proper. Wednesday night eppeared to me to be such an occasion. I administered that rebuke — not witl abuse and insult, as charged by Mr. Hamlyn , but with kindly severity.1*5 This letter ended public debate of the matter. Unfortunately, the old rift between the two factions both upholding their own ideal of a favorable Churchman ship vas not put to rest as easily and continues today, if only in a more quiet and subdued manner. Silver Jubilee Celebration Preparations at St. Peter 's. The year .894 brought new success to the efforts of the clergy to educate and increase the membership of the congregation of St. Peter 's. For the first time in several years the Priest Incumbent was able to report a growth of 18 nev families, rather than a decrease. The year also was a celebration year narking the Silver Jubilee of the erection of the Cathedral Church. At the Annual Easter Monday Meeting of the congregation Mr. W.L. Cotton suggested '.he appointment of a committee to make arrangements for a special yearlong sffort by the congregation to mark the anniversary by some 142. The Daily Eximiner. Letter to the Editor by Mr. Edward Carbonell . February 15th, 1894. 143. Ibid. February 16th, 1894. 144. Ibid. 145. -Ibid. 117