expected, therefore, that such matters as the supremacy and infallibility of the Roman Pontiff , the claims of the Greek Church, the action of the Church of England at the Reformation, and so on, upon which many hundred volumes have been written, and in the study of which some of the most learned men in Europe have devoted their lives, can be settled in a far-off corner of the world like Charlottetown in a newspaper controversy between Dr. Morrison and myself149 Both refrained from further controversy through the newspapers. Funeral of Lieutenant - Governor Carvell , 1894. Both the Cathedral community and the city of was saddened by the passing away of Lieutenant - Governor Carvell who had suffered an extended period of illness. Previous to his term as Her Majesty's representative on the Island he had served as Mayor of the city, having been elected to that position in 1877. During his term of incumbency he had instituted a series of civic reforms. He had also been a prominent member of the Senate for ten years, between 1879 and 1889. He was appointed to the high office of Lieutenant - Governor in 1887. He had been associated with St. Peter 's Cathedral since its founding in 1869. The funeral service was very well attended by a large number of prominent citizens and officials. It included a very large funeral cortege, composed of officers of the Militia, Police, the City council, Mayor, Masons, His Honour, Lieutenant - Governor J.S. Carvell — PJEX Public Archives 149. The Daily Examiner. Letter to the Editor. February 20th, 1894. 120