junior and senior Pallbearers (including a number of Judges), Father Simpson, etc. The Daily Examiner. reported:
At nine o’clock this morning the remains of Lieutenant-Governor Carvell were taken to St. Peter’s Cathedral. The body was received at the door by the Priest Incumbent, with his acolytes and cross bearer. The opening sentences of the Burial Service were read as the body was carried to the foot of the chancel. The Holy Communion was then celebrated, the service being fully choral.
This afternoon at a quarter past three o’clock, after the Burial Service was concluded, the body was taken from the church to the hearse. As the body was being removed a salute of minute guns to the number of fifieen was fired from Fort Edward by a detachment of artillery drawn from No. 2 Battery under Command of Captain Moore.150
The Music of the Easter Celebrations at the Cathedral.
The tradition of splendid music and excellent presentation by the Choir and Presenter continued in under the watchful eye of the organist, Mr. Lawrence Watson, . throughout this period. The Easter services of 1894 were no exception. = Father Simpson celebrated services of Holy Communion at 7:15 a.m. and at 28:00 a.m. on Easter Day. The §. Reverend T.H. Hunt acted as icelebrant at the full choral ' celebration at 11:00 a.m.:
At this last, Cambridge’s Service in F was sung, and for the post communion, "I am the Living Bread ". During the ablutions the organist played "I know that my Redeemer Livet ", and after the service Mendelssohn’s March in Athalie. The
- E. Chair Ac yte,l 1890 — St. Peter’s Cathedral Archives
150. - The Daily Examiner. February 16th, 1894.