Rev. James Simpson preached the sermon. There was a large number of communicants at these services. The Altar, vested in new embroidered white hangings and laden with a wealth of flowers, presented a beautiful appearance, especially when the lights were burning. Matins was said in the Chapel immediately before the third celebration. Before evensong the organist played Viviani's Easter Festal March. Tallis'festival setting of evensong was sung, the psalms being, as usual, sung to Gregorian music. Brunett's beautiful music for the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis was chosen, and with all the other music of the day, was rendered very effectively by the large choir. The incumbent preached at this service also, at the close of which the choir, having marched in procession around the church singing "Come ye faithful", proceeded to the Sanctuary, where a solemn Te Deum was sung. Sir Herbert Oakley 's Festival March in E flat was played as the congregation left the church. The Church was crowded at the two principal services, which were among the most joyful in the history of the church.151 Silver Jubilee Celebrations . Prior to Silver Jubilee celebrations at St. Peter 's, the Synod of Nova Scotia elected 12 Priests and 12 laymen as representative delegates to attend the meeting of the Provincial Synod in Montreal. One of the twelve Priests elected was the Reverend James Simpson . The June Silver Jubilee celebrations commenced on St. Peter 's Day and continued the following Sunday. Two Services were held marking St. Peter 's Day. The music for the main celebration of Holy Communion, the Magnificat and the Nunc Dimittis, had been composed by Mr. L.W. Watson . An evening service, using music by Tallis, was taken by the Venerable Archdeacon Weston - Jones , and an unusually large choir led the congregational singing. The Venerable Archdeacon Kaulbach preached an impressive sermon in which he referred to the Reverend G.W. Hodgson , first Priest Incumbent of St. Peter 's, praising the example he set as a Christian witness and his untiring work for the greater glory of Almighty God. In his conclusion, he exhorted the congregation to use this opportunity, at the Feast of the Dedication, to examine their own lives. He urged: Let us take heed that, while celebrating the goodness of God, we forget not to look at our own hearts, and remember that we are dedicated to God, and are temples of the Holy Ghost which is in us. Let us take care to drive from our hearts every evil thought, and allow no evil spirit to lodge within. Let us take care that service, our fullest and our best, be rendered to Him, whose we are 151. Ibid. March 26th , 1894. 122