A special meeting of the congregation was called for June 14th, 1897 at which time the advisability of enlarging the schoolroom and moving the Sexton's house were discussed. The increased dampness of the locality was making the Sexton's house, in its present location, unfit to live in. It was also agreed that if steam were substituted for hot water, the large boiler in the cellar could be nade to heat the Chapel and schools which at present required seven fires to teep warm. A numDer of Clergy staff changes had taken place over the previous year, including the removal of the Reverend B.F. Scovill , B.A . to New Brunswick , and the Reverend A.E. Andrews , B.A . to . In their place the Reverend T.F. West had been licensed as an assistant. The Bishop of Nova Scotia visited the Cathedral in July and held confirmation, preaching also on one other occasion. Cathedral Mission Outreach: Souris , Georgetown , and Cherry Valley . Bishop Courtney visited Souris in July of 1896, consecrating the Church of St. Alban the Martyr on the first Monday of that month. For most of the year services were held on alternate Sundays with the exception of April, May and June, when they were held every Sunday. During the fishing season fishermen from Nova Scotia were glad to avail themselves of the services whenever they were in port. Twenty candidates were confirmed by the Bishop, nearly all being adults, and his Lordship expressed pleasure with the progress that had been made in the Mission since his most recent visit two years earlier. The Bishop also visited Christ Church, Cherry Valley and Trinity Church, Georgetown , confirming 12 and 14 respectively. A font, presented by Archdeacon Jones, was placed in Christ Church and the floor of the Church was covered with oil cloth of Ecclesiastical design and the walls and ceiling of the chancel with Ash, at the request of the Reverend Herbert Beers , Priest-in- Charge . A Ladies' Working Guild had been begun in both parishes. In Georgetown , the aim was to assist in raising funds for the building of a rectory which was most urgently needed there. Children's services in which some catechizing took place, were begun at both churches. Initial interest did not abate during the year with the numbers attending actually increasing as the year went on. There had been a good deal of interest expressed toward a proposal of the establishment of Sunday Schools , to be run on the alternate weeks when the Priest-in- Charge was absent. In Georgetown , plans for the formation of a Parish Library were being discussed. Clergy removals again marked the latter part of the 1897 year. The Reverend Herbert Beers resigned his charge of Georgetown and Cherry Valley 129