efl‘ective December 3lst. The vacancy caused by his departure was filled by the appointment of the Reverend J .W. Godfrey as Rector of Georgetown and Souris. Under this new arrangement, the Bishop asked the Rector of St. Paul’s Charlottetown to extend his services to the congregation at Cherry Valley.

Changes also took place at St. Peter’s, as the Reverend T.F. West resigned his position as assistant Priest in August. His . place was taken by the Reverend W. Cox who also took charge of the Mission at Souris. The exterior of the church at Souris was repainted during the summer at the expense of Mr. Fred Peters, in commemoration of the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria. The Church continued to operate and was able to collect a small balance, it being entirely free of debt.

The clergy of St. Peter’s conducted scheduled services for Souris without interruption for

_ . the first six months of 1898 until J.L.S. Foster, Priest and Assrstant the Reverend G.W. Godfrey

Schoolmaster, St. Peter’s Schools St. Peter’s Cathedral Archives

arrived to assume his duties. In July, Captain W.H. Jackson of Boston was licensed as Lay Reader and afterward assisted the Reverend Mr. Godfrey in his parish work. The Bishop visited again in November, confirming six candidates and preaching a Mission semen the following evening to a large congregation. The interior of the church was repainted during the summer and a handsome communion rail, presented by Captain Jackson, was installed later that summer.

The Bishop again visited Georgetown in the summer of 1899,

confirming an additional 8 candidates, making 22 within a year. The congregation in Souris was strengthened by the arrival of two families from