found to be insufi'icient to render satisfactory completion of the project. This was postponed until sufficient funds could be awarded for the commencement of the entire job.

The year 1900 also proved to be a very successful year for the Women’s Auxiliary, which organized and ran an highly successful fundraising bazaar forSt. Peter’s. A motion of thanks was voted by the entire congregation present at the April 8th, 1901 Annual Meeting, on the motion of Mr. L.W. Watson, for their successful work "in getting up a bazaar".

A note of appreciation and thanks was also sent out to the Reverend T.H. Hunt, on a motion by Mr. W.L. Cotton, for the splendid services that he had rendered the Church for many years as Assistant Priest and as a teacher in the Church School. The motion was seconded by the Honorable Fred Brecken and supported by the Reverend James Simpson and many others. It was carried unanimously.

Turn of the Century in the Mission Parishes.

Early in 1901 Mr. W.L. Cotton departed the Cathedral to spend one year in charge of Cherry Valley. By September he had organized a Sunday School, which met every Sunday for an hour prior to the Service. He also organized a Choir. The church there was very fortunate in having an excellent organist and with a good deal of hard work the singing improved considerably through the year. The Bishop visited in July and again in November, at which time he confirmed 9 candidates.

S.P.G. grants to Georgetown by this time had ceased entirely and the congregation was faced with the problem of making up the sum lost by this withdrawal. Efl‘orts there continued and money was also raised for the purpose of furnishing the church with a new set of lamps, the existing lighting being quite insufficient for the size of the Church.

The Church at Souris has also been beautified by a donation given by Captain Jackson of an oil painting of Christ, which was hung over the altar and added to the interior . beauty of the Church. A successful meeting of the Church convention held in Souris during the autumn had the good effect of making the Church 5

. . W 1t L. C tt people there reahze that they dld not stand alone. —:'h:rRev’d). 00;)“, RC. Tuck