for oversight of all these missions.
Much credit was given to the Reverend Walter Cotton for the good works being done in the eastern parishes of Prince Edward Island. Archdeacon T.B. Reagh, Rector of Milton, reported in 1906 that:
the congregations in the east of the Island are being worked through St. Peter’s Church. Mr. T.F. Tupper is doing excellent work at Mt. Stewart, which was taken up by Rev. W. Cotton B.A. . Much credit is due the latter for the energetic a manner in which he attended to the spiritual needs of the large field over which i he had to travel. His promotion is a loss to us.162
This praise was echoed the following year in the Report of the Executive of the DOS. which stated:
The Rev’d Walter Cotton’s acceptance of the Curacy of St. Luke’s, Halifax, has taken him from this province. His earnest efforts to minister to the missions of Georgetown, Cherry Valley, Murray River and Souris, under most adverse circumstances, commended him to all who knew him, and we sincerely hope that a blessing may rest upon his future labors.163
Additions and Renovations to Cathedral Property.
The Cathedral building was again beautified in January of 1906 by the
addition of a special presentation to the Church. The Daily Examiner. reported:
Some years ago there was placed in St. Peter’s Cathedral, in memory of Miss Rosa Stewart, a fine wooden reredos. The design included five niches for statues. These latter have now been presented to the Church by Mrs. James
Peake in memory of her son Lorne. They are from the studio of Mr. T. Carley of Montreal, and were selected by Mr. Robert Harris C.M.G. president of the Royal Academy of Canada, as the best representations of the subjects. They represent our Savior and the four Evangelists. They are artistic in conception and execution. There is a boldness of treatment to the exclusion of sentimentality, and a vigor of expression which stamps them as masterpieces of the sculptor’s art. They are the natural completion of the reredos, which by their addition is now a striking and imposing central point in the adornment of the well appointed sanctuary of St. Peter’s. After evensong last night, the
162. Diocesan Church Society Report. 1906. Report of the Archdeacon. 163. Ibid. 1907.