Refreshments were served afterwards and the admission price of only ten cents did much to assist the attendance, which in turn assisted the fundraising campaign of the J.A. The Ladies of the Congregation organized and held a tea and fancy sale on Wednesday, December 4th in the afternoon. As hoped, the event surpassed the many successes of the past in variety, enjoyment and attendance as more and more people entered into the spirit of Christmas at an early date. The Reverend Dr. T.H. Hunt of King's College, Windsor, arrived on December 24th by steamer to officiate at the Choral Christmas Service at the Cathedral. As always, his return was welcomed warmly and appreciatively by the congregation. Discussing the Future of the Diocesan Church Society. Much of the D.C.S . meeting in March of 1907 was spent discussing a proposal to bring the D.C.S . under the direction of the Diocesan Missionary Board. The Reverend S.J. Woodroofe and the Reverend James Simpson addressed this proposal setting forth terms of the proposed scheme. The matter, as submitted by the two gentlemen, was discussed and an agreement reached which culminated in the passage of a motion relating to the matter. It stated: That P.E.I , delegates to Synod , clerical and lay, being residents of P.E.I. , be appointed a deputation to confer with the authorities of the D.M.B . with regard to the terms and conditions which the D.C.S . may be affiliated with the D.M.B . and to report the results to the D.C.S .165 The following year the matter of the affiliation of the D.C.S . with the D.M.B . was again a topic of discussion during the D.C.S. Annual Meeting. The Reverend A.W. Nicholls submitted a Report , on behalf of the D.C.S . subĀ¬ committee appointed to confer with the Diocesan Missionary Board, which outlined the consideration of the Executive Committee as to the terms of affiliation offered to the D.C.S . by the D.M.B. These terms had been accepted with slight modification and the Report recommended adoption of these terms and the immediate commencement of the affiliation. The Reverend A.W. Nicholls then moved these terms as amended, seconded by the Reverend Canon Simpson. The following were the terms of affiliation adopted: /. The D.C.S . of P.E.I , will retain the full control of all its invested funds and also of the funds contributed by the several parishes for the Missions in 165. Diocesan Church Society Report . 1907. 144