P.E.I. . II. The D.C.S . will nominate to the Bishop a "Board of Enquiry" under the Canon to determine the capabilities of each parish in P.E.I. III. For the purposes of this affiliation the whole of P.E.I , will form a Rural Deanery. IV. The Board of Enquiry will report to the D.M.B . under Section 20 of the Canon. V. Two clergymen and two laymen shall be appointed annually by the Diocesan Church Society as members of the D.M.B. VI. The D.M.B . will, at its meeting in November, apportion the amount required to be raised in P.E.I , in order to meet the stipends of the Missionary Clergy working in the Island and also to meet their proportion of the Diocesan apportionment by the M.S.C.C . and shall notify the D.C.S . of P.E.I , of such amount. VII. The Treasurer of the D.C.S . in P.E.I , shall quarterly send to the Treasurer of the D.M.B . vouchers showing payments of the several missions in P.E.I. VIII. In case the Agent of this Board should visit P.E.I , to work up the Missionary contributions the D.C.S . shall pay all expenses thereby incurred. DX. The annual collection made on behalf of the D.C.S . shall be considered as complying with the requirements of Section 3 in clause 14 of the Canon.166 In recognition of the good work and loving devotion which Canon Simpson showed in all his activities associated with the work of the Church on P.E.I. , he was made Canon of St. Peter 's Cathedral in 1907. This followed twenty years of service to the people of the congregation and community of Charlottetown . Silver Jubilee Anniversary of Canon Simpson's Ordination. The year 1908 was the Silver Jubilee anniversary of the ordination to the Priesthood of Canon James Simpson . It was celebrated in an appropriate manner with unusually large numbers being present in his honour at the celebrations of Holy Communion at 8 a.m. and 11 a.m.. He delivered two particularly interesting sermons describing the changes and improvements which had taken place in the services and conditions of the Church of England in Charlottetown and throughout the world, since he was ordained twenty-five years earlier. The clergy of the Church of England on Prince Edward Island presented him with a lovely new suitcase as a token of their good will. The congregation took up a silver collection of $211.00 and added an additional sum to present Canon Simpson with a gift purse of $325.00 in honour of the 166. Ibid. 1908. 145