X Correspondence Re: Status Of The Anglican Church On P. E. I. Judge Savory Writes to Church Work. Judge A. W. Savary , Chancellor of the of Nova Scotia , wrote a letter to Church Work which was published on August 12th, 1909, in which he addressed the subject "Is Prince Edward Island part of the of Nova Scotia ?" This letter prompted a reply on the subject from Canon James Simpson regarding a number of points. This rebuff naturally led to a second letter from Judge Savary and a further response from Canon Simpson. One of the chief points of conflict between the views of the two men was their understanding of the precise meaning of the term "diocese". Judge Savary accepted the secular understanding of the word by accepting the definition given in Webster's Dictionary which he quoted, as meaning "the district in which a Bishop exercises his ecclesiastical authority". Without going into the parameters of the Bishop's ecclesiastical authority Judge Savary argued of P.E.I. : Surely it cannot be contended that its separation and erection into a separate civil province to-day would effect its ecclesiastical relation to the of Nova Scotia . A diocese may consist of two or more civil provinces, or parts of two like Keewatin, and cannot be effected by re-arrangements of the political map. If is not and never was a distinct diocese, but is and has been from the creation of the see in 1787 a part of the diocese of Nova Scotia , the same thing may be said of Prince Edward Island and for the same reasons.161 In order to add weight to the merit of his argument he quoted two Church historians, Akins and Eaton, as speaking of the Reverend Charles Inglis as being appointed Bishop of Nova Scotia "with jurisdiction over the Province of Prince Edward Island , and Newfoundland "168. Judge 167. Letter from Judge A.W. Savary to Church Work. August 12th, 1909. 168. Ibid. 148