The present Church Act of P.E.I , agreed to by Bishop Binney, xlii Victoria, orders "No person shall officiate as a Minister of the Church of England in this Province, except he be duly licensed by the Bishop for the time being exercising Episcopal jurisdiction over the Church of England in this Island." It will be seen the Bishop of Nova Scotia is not mentioned by name.175 The fact that the Bishop was not mentioned by name was of great significance, it immediately removed the document from the class of a temporary document issued only to be effective during the lifetime or reign of the individual Bishop named, instead, it was a proclamation of a recognized condition which would remain effective in its operation until amended or repealed. In accordance with the Letters Patent, the successive Bishops of Nova Scotia customarily styled themselves "We ... Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia , having Episcopal jurisdiction over this Island" when executing Church deeds or other official documents. A good example of this was the deed conveying the land on which St. Peter 's Cathedral was erected, from William Cundall to the Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia . It said: And whereas, the said William Cundall , at the request of several persons who assisted at the erection of the said church, hath agreed that the said piece and parcel of land, together with the said church thereon erected, shall be conveyed to the said Hibbert Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia , having Episcopal jurisdiction over the said Island by virtue of Her Majesty's Letters Patent, that the said church may be used as a Cathedral as hereinafter mentioned" ... "And that subject to the right of the Incumbent or Rector of such church, the Bishop's chair shall be there placed, and there continually kept, to the intent that such church may be deemed a cathedral.176 The Trust deed executed by the Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia to set up St. Peter 's as a Cathedral stipulated as a condition "Provided, always ... that the said Hibbert Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia , and his successors, having Episcopal jurisdiction over the said Island, shall at any time have the right to use the said Church for any Episcopal act ..."17? in connection with this, Canon Simpson stated that a Bishop could only have one Cathedral in his and that Bishop Binney had stated that he had made St. Peter 's a Cathedral because it was outside the diocese. 175. Ibid. 176. Ibid. 177. Ibid. 152