The original letter by Judge Savary called attention to the Report of a Committee of the Diocesan Synod of 1894 appointed to consider and report on the relations between Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia , in response to an 1893 Resolution passed by the Diocesan Church Society of Prince Edward Island on the matter. The Report stated: whereas some of the delegates and clergy from Prince Edward Island have doubts as to the position of Prince Edward Island with regard to the of Nova Scotia , and are desirous of making an application to the Provincial Synod on the Subject: Resolved that the synod sees no objection to a declaration being made by the Provincial Synod that the Province of Prince Edward Island is a part of the of Nova Scotia .180 Judge Savory went on to equate this declaratory enactment as implying the previous existence of this legal state of affairs under the law, and the sole purpose of the enactment being simply to remove doubt from all and any minds as to existence of such a state of affairs. According to the Chancellor, no alteration of legal standing or of the law was implied or achieved by this declaration. Judge Savary said: the effect of the report was that Prince Edward Island was already part of the of Nova Scotia : the Committee did not recommend or suggest that the Provincial Synod might be asked to make it so, but in deference to the uneasy feeling of some of the lay representatives and clergy from Prince Edward Island the Committee saw no objection to having the competent legislative authority declare that it was so already. This report was unanimously adopted by the Synod and ought to be considered as settling the matter.181 Canon Simpson, who had been an Island participant, interpreted the events differently. He had been responsible for moving the D.C.S. Resolution petitioning Synod "to take such steps as shall make P.E.I , an integral part of the of Nova Scotia if not so already" etc. He felt that the Committee, which had been appointed to consider this petition, had decided that the matter rested with the Provincial Synod which had the only power to deal with boundaries of a . Although the Diocesan Synod of Nova Scotia was unanimous in seeing no objection to having a declaration made by the Provincial Synod that the Province of P.E.I , is a part of the of Nova Scotia , the matter had never been brought before the Provincial Synod and the declaration was never made: The Diocesan Synod of Nova Scotia sanctioned the application to the Provincial 180. Letter from Judge A.W. Savary to Church Work. August 12th, 1909. 181. Ibid. 154