establishment of a P.E.I. claim that they were a separate and distinct diocese. He had simply discovered an interesting and very special relationship which the Island had with the Bishop and Diocese of Nova Scotia. His main objective was to share this knowledge with others on the Island and in the Diocese of Nova Scotia proper. He hoped that the Bishop would use this special relationship in a way that would foster and encourage growth within the Anglican Church on P.E.I.
D.C.S. Discussion of its Work on the Island and Episcopal Supervision.
The Diocesan Church Society Annual Meeting in 191 0 centered on four main topics dealing with the condition of the Church on Prince Edward Island. Among the subjects discussed was that of a mission for several of the parishes. It was felt that a general mission was desirable and would benefit many. Second, that a Sunday School Association should be revived and made operative. Third, that Religion be taught in Day Schools. This elicited much discussion and a general consensus was reached that arrangements should be made in P.E.I. (along the same lines as the law in the Province of Quebec) whereby religious instruction should be given to the pupils in the Day Schools. Fourth, concerning systematic giving by members of the congregation. A resolution was adopted advocating the introduction of either a duplex or single envelope system in all Parishes on the Island.
Satisfaction was expressed that Georgetown was again being supplied by the services of a resident clergyman, and that Canon Simpson had obtained an assistant "in his exacting wor The Rural Dean, the Reverend F.M. Webster remarked in his Report that it was important to take steps towards enlarging the Episcopal Endowment Fund:
One thing connected with the welfare of the Church’s work in this Province merits notice — the necessity of enlarging the Episcopal Endowment Fund of this Province.
If the Church people will take hold of this matter and enlarge and nurture this fund the time will soon come when we shall be able to have a Diocesan for this Island.188
Celebrations, Renovations, Deaths and Missionary Outreach in 1910.
St. Peter’s Cathedral was able to report that the Bicentary
188. Diocesan Church Society Heart. 1910.