celebrations of the Canadian Church held at Halifax, were afterward commemor- ated in the Cathedral at Charlottetown, on August 28th. The visit- ing clergy for the occ- asion were the Rev- erend W.H. Van Allen of Boston, and the Rev- erend Canon Vroom of King’s College. In Nov- ember St. Peter’s was able to obtain the ser- vices of the Reverend Herbert Scott—Smith as Assistant Priest. Fears expressed over the pro- posed introduction of the duplex system of envelope giving dissip- ated as the year proved them to be groundless and the loose collection was the largest ever in the history of the Cathedral Church. An additional $155.00 was collected through the Mission envelopes.
The Cathedral W. B. Brady, 1910; Earl Whitlock, 1911 revenue was again be- —St.Peter’s Cathedral Archives sieged by a number of
inevitable financial commitments. A good deal of the brickwork of the Church building had to be pointed and replaced. The exterior of the Rectory was repainted and a breakage in the drain of the Church cellar was fixed. The Cathedral interior was enhanced by the arrival of the handsome pulpit of
carved oak and mahogany, a gift presented by Miss Simpson in memory of her mother.
The congregation was saddened by the loss of two prominent members. Mr. Robert Hogg, a Church Warden passed away during the first part of the year. The Cathedral congregation was further saddened by the passing away of one of its founding members, the Honorable Mr. Justice E.J. Hodgson. He