liberal contributor to its funds throughout his life. He left the whole of his estate to its Endowmnent Fund.
The Annual Congregational Meeting of St. Peter’s also sent out a Resolution placing on record its sorrow at the loss of another prominent member of its family, Mr. William Stewart, for many years a Church Warden. The Resolution moved by Mr. Foster called for a sufficient sum to be voted for a brass plaque to his memory to be placed in the Cathedral. A copy of the . Resolution was also forwarded to his family with a due expression of sincere L condolence.
In August of the same year, the Reverend Walter Cotton, a member of St. Peter’s congregation since his infancy, sailed for South Africa having joining the community of the Resurrection, to take up Missionary work among the natives. He was the first member of St. Peter’s to become a foreign missionary. Another member of the congregation, Miss Strickland, entered the Community of the Holy Nativity. The efforts put forward by the Reverend H. Scott-Smith, the Assistant Priest were much appreciated by the congregation. The choir, under the direction of Professor Tanton, improved considerably and Church attendance kept up. Father Simpson reported that "there seems to be a growing appreciation of the privileges of the daily Eucharist and other daily services."189
Work in the Mission Parishes Continues in 1911.
The Reverend M.H. Winter, Rector of Georgetown, Cherry Valley and Souris, felt that the Church in the eastern parishes was at a low ebb. He stated that in fact, for a long time past, it had been slowly dying owing to the removals and deaths, particularly in Georgetown and Souris. He said that:
Under these conditions, together with fatigue, and time spent in traveling long distances by rail and by road, the work is trying; and all the rector can do is, as had been the aim of the present writer, to plod along steadily, and it is hoped faithfully, trying to spend his time to the best advantage of each part of the district, and turning to account what materials are there and caring for individual souls as he has opportunity.190
At the same time, there were some good signs in the work being done. The rector had been able to arrange that the Reverend H. Scott-Smith of St. Peter’s would celebrate the Holy Eucharist once a month at Cherry Valley
189. St. Peter’s Cathedral Annual Remit. 1911.
190. Diocesan Church Society. 1911.