XI The Outbreak of War and its Effect on Cathedral Life Early in June 1914 the Reverend Dr. Hunt of King's College, Windsor officiated at a choral celebration of Holy Communion at St. Peter 's Cathedral on Whitsunday. Canon Simpson delivered a powerful sermon basing his subject on the account of the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles at the Feast of Pentecost. Dr. Hunt preached an uplifting sermon on the work of the Holy Spirit at a service that evening. Canon Simpson left Charlottetown by steamer on June 16th to travel to Quebec to receive an Honorary Degree of D.C.L . from Bishop's College, Lennoxville. His Lordship, Bishop Worrell visited Prince Edward Island in June to conduct a series of confirmations at various parishes. He arrived on Wednesday 17th, and proceeded to Cherry Valley and Georgetown where he officiated at 10:30 a.m. and at 8:00 p.m. services (where an exceptionally large number of candidates received the rite). On Friday the Bishop was in Souris for confirmation, followed by an 11:00 a.m. service at St. Peter 's Cathedral on Saturday morning. Seven candidates were confirmed there. Bishop Worrell consecrated a Church at Rustico on Sunday morning, returning to Milton to hold an afternoon confirmation. Later that evening he officiated at the rite held at St. Paul's Church, Charlottetown . Early in the week he travelled to the western parishes of the province to visit and administer the rite of confirmation. The outbreak of war in September disturbed the ordinary routine of the work of the parish. Three members of the choir, as well as a number of other members of the congregation, were called up into Active Service. The Russian authorities, for example, requested that the Canadian Government allow Mr. Baines to remain aboard the Earl Grey for the winter as consulting engineer as he had a thorough knowledge of the vessel. The ladies and the girls of the Sewing Societies gave up their usual meetings to make supplies. Patrols of Boy Scouts and Girl Guides were formed under the instruction of Mr. Harold Morris . The Scouts were kept busy learning to build bridges while the Guides learned the techniques of First Aid work. Three more long standing members of St. Peter 's Cathedral passed away during the course of the year — Mrs. J.S. Carvell , Mrs. Fred Beers , and 166