employed in prayer for the conversion of the heathen world, the reunion of Christendom and the deepening of the spiritual life of the Church.204
He looked toward the immediate future and called for a committee to be appointed to make the necessary preparations to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the opening of St. Peter’s Cathedral in a fitting manner, in the coming year.
Continuing Efforts at Cherry Valley and Georgetown.
Archdeacon Alfred W. Watson visited Georgetown and Cherry Valley at the request of the Archbishop. His efforts to help the parish overcome pressing difficulties met with little success, He reported that:
Disunion, strife and bitterness within the congregation cannot but cripple the work of the church, and it is the more deplorable here in view of the scattered nature of the field, which must always make it a parish difficult to work with any degree of satisfaction. Improvement here is urgently needed, and that quickly, if the Church is to continue to exist.
I am sorry to have to report that owing to removal of the Church people the Church at Souris has been closed, and the moveable furniture and ornaments put in storage.”5
Canon Simpson’s efforts to obtain the services of an assistant priest went unrewarded throughout the course of the following year. A number of clergy kindly offered assistance in providing services at Cherry Valley, including the Reverend J .W. Miner, H. Scott-Smith, H. Bennett, A.E. Andrew, W.J. Cox and CR. Harris. In December Mr. Robert Lowe began regular services as Lay Reader. The people in the area appreciated the effort and were anxious to obtain a Rector. On their own they raised over $140.00 for the Forward Movement which spoke well of their commitment and earnestness.
St. Peter’s and the Golden Jubilee Celebrations.
Notwithstanding a number of drawbacks, the return of several members of the choir from overseas brought its number up to its pre-war capacity. It was one of the very few choirs in Canada that was able somehow to survive the war without being forced into the formation of a Ladies
204. Ibid. 205. Ibid.