Auxiliary. Throughout the lamented illness of Mr. L.W. Watson, the )rganist, Mrs. Edgar MacNutt and Mrs. Cosh kindly took charge of the music While Professor Tanton chipped in and played the organ on Christmas Day Toward the end of the year a committee undertook charge of the Choir, thereby relieving Canon Simpson of that responsibility.

The highlight of the year was the Golden Jubilee celebration; held at St. Peter’s in the month of September. A number of distinguished gu¢sts were present for the celebrations, including Bishop Osborne, who fits; visited Charlottetown in 1883, the Reverend W.H. Bullock, a longtime friend of the f i r s t P r i e s t Incumbent, Father G.W. Hodgson, and who was present at the opening service of 1869, the Venerable F . W . V r o o m , Archdeacon of Nova Scotia, the Reverend H. Scott-Smith, former Assistant Priest, the Reverend H.E. Bennett, and the Archbishop of Nova Scotia, who preached morning and evening on the Festival of St. Matthew.

On Jubilee Day, a number of the former Assistant Priests were present, including the Reverend Dr. Hunt, A.E. Andrew, W.J.

COX! C-R' Hams, and Bishop Osborne, SSJE; of Springfield, nleois.

I Y. St Peter’s Cathed .v . . r h St ' 1 Ar 11 MlSSlOn Chu C , , ‘3 C 1 es

John, NB. "Other friends who could not be present during the Festival, preached for us either before or after. These included the Revennds‘ E.A. Harris, G.W. Miner, C.F. Lancaster, Dr. Cecil Wiggins and the Reverend

Canons’ Harris and Vernon".2°'3

206. Diocesan Church Society Annual Report. 1919.