"Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong." and (2) "Let all things be done in charity."218 During the DCS meeting on March 16th, 1921 the following Resolution was adopted, and a copy forwarded to the surviving members of Canon Simpson's family: Resolved that we the Members of the Diocesan Church Society, in Annual Meeting assembled, desire to place on record our sense of the deep loss this Society, and the Church at large, has sustained through the death of the late Canon Simpson. During the past thirty-four years he had taken a prominent part in all our proceedings, for the greater portion of that period filling the position of a Vice- President and most active member in our Executive. His zeal, sterling integrity and straight-forwardness won for him the respect of every person who knew him, whilst those who were honoured with his friendship entertained for him a deep affectionate regard. During the war he was untiring in his endeavors to organize the work, to stimulate recruiting and further the National interests in every possible way, to an extent that, in many instances, overtaxed his strength. In his death not only does the Church lose an esteemed leader, but the Province at large a most valuable citizen. It is our humble prayer that his example may exert its due influence and lead many to emulate his virtues.219 The war had made a lasting effect on the choir of the Cathedral. Attendance had fallen off and some members had become lax in attending formal choir practices. During Easter of 1920 St. Peter 's Cathedral changed its practice of having an all male choir. At that time eight ladies were added to the choir, a move which was "very pleasing to the congregation, who greatly appreciated the improvement in music and choir attendance."220 218. Ibid. 219. Diocesan Church Society Annual Reports. 1921. 220. St. Peter 's Cathedral Annual Report . 1920. Church Warden's Report . 179