Church Events, Continued.

St. Peter’s Day, St. Peter’s consecrated as a cathedral.


September 26, 1882 Lightening strikes school room of St. Peter’s Church.

November 14, 1884 Death of the Rev. L.C. Jenkins, aged 88. Buried in St. Peter’s Cemetery.

July 20, 1885 —— The Rev. G.W. Hodgson fell asleep, R.I.P.

May, 1886 Unleavened bread used at the Holy Communion. December 25, 1886 Benediction of new organ.

Sexagesima, 1887 The Rev. James Simpson inducted as

Priest-Incumbent. May 1, 1887 Hibbert, Bishop of Nova Scotia, fell asleep. R.I.P.

August 16, 1887 Centennial of Colonial Episcopate celebrated. Sermon preached by the Rt. Rev. Charles Hamilton, Bishop of Niagara.

October 26, 1887 Clerical Association formed at Crapaud.

St. Mark’s Day, Frederic Courtney consecrated Bishop of Nova Scotia

1888 and her dependencies.

June 1, 1888 The Bishop of Nova Scotia Visits Charlottetown.

June 2, 1888 Cornerstone of Hodgson Memorial Chapel laid. by Bishop Courtney.

January 8, 1889 Eucharistic vestments introduced.

Easter, 1889 —— White cope worn, first in the Province of Canada.

November 26, 1889 Memorial Chapel opened.

Ash Wednesday, Daily Eucharist begun. 1890