Church Events, Continued.
St. Peter’s Day, — St. Peter’s consecrated as a cathedral.
September 26, 1882 — Lightening strikes school room of St. Peter’s Church.
November 14, 1884 — Death of the Rev. L.C. Jenkins, aged 88. Buried in St. Peter’s Cemetery.
July 20, 1885 —— The Rev. G.W. Hodgson fell asleep, R.I.P.
May, 1886 — Unleavened bread used at the Holy Communion. December 25, 1886 — Benediction of new organ.
Sexagesima, 1887 — The Rev. James Simpson inducted as
Priest-Incumbent. May 1, 1887 — Hibbert, Bishop of Nova Scotia, fell asleep. R.I.P.
August 16, 1887 — Centennial of Colonial Episcopate celebrated. Sermon preached by the Rt. Rev. Charles Hamilton, Bishop of Niagara.
October 26, 1887 — Clerical Association formed at Crapaud.
St. Mark’s Day, — Frederic Courtney consecrated Bishop of Nova Scotia
1888 and her dependencies.
June 1, 1888 — The Bishop of Nova Scotia Visits Charlottetown.
June 2, 1888 — Cornerstone of Hodgson Memorial Chapel laid. by Bishop Courtney.
January 8, 1889 — Eucharistic vestments introduced.
Easter, 1889 —— White cope worn, first in the Province of Canada.
November 26, 1889 — Memorial Chapel opened.
Ash Wednesday, — Daily Eucharist begun. 1890