Church Events, Continued.
St. Peter’s Day, 1894
St. John the Baptist’s Day, 1903
St. Luke’s Day, 1904
December 2, 1904
September 1 8, 1 907
May, 1908
June, 1914
November 17, 1918
September 7, 1919
Vigil of St. Andrew, 1 920
— Silver Jubilee of the Church.
~— Ordination to the Priesthood of Walter Cotton.
— Clarendon Lamb Worrell, Consecrated Bishop of N.S.
—— Bishop Worrell’s first visit to Charlottetown.
— The Rev. James Simpson created Canon of St. Peter’s Cathedral.
— Priest-Incumbent, Canon Simpson, attends the Pan—Anglican Congress as a delegate from the diocese.
—- Canon Simpson receives the degree of D.C.L. from Bishop’s University, Lennoxville.
— Thanksgiving service for the signing of the armistice with Germany.
-—- The Golden Jubilee.
— Canon Simpson fell asleep, R.I.P.