Tie Cfergy of St. Teterfs Cathedral

Tried Incumfients

Rev. George Wright Hodgson, M.A. 1869-1885 Rev. James Simpson, M.A., D.C.L. 1886-1920

Assistant tPriests Rev. John Ellis: 1871—1877 Rev. F.G. Scovil, BA: 1896 Rev. R.D. Bambrick, B.A.: 1878-1882 Rev. T.F. West, B.A.: 1896—1897 Rev. W.B. King, B.A.: 1882-1885 Rev. W.J. Cox, B.A.: 1897-1899 Rev. KC. Hind, B.A.: 1882-1883 Rev. C.R. Harris, B.A.: 1906-1907 Rev. Samuel C. Smythe Rev. H. Scott-Smith, B.A.: 1910—1914 (Priest in Charge): 1885-1886 Rev. F.E.J. Lloyd: 1888-1890 Rev. D.J. Macdonald, B.A.: 1915-1916

Rev. T.H. Hunt, B.A., D.D.: 1888-1904 Rev. T.H. Hunt, DD: 1916 Rev. A.E. Andrew, B.A.: 1895-1896 Rev. Edwin Jukes, B.A.: 1917-1918

’lfie Trustees (#151. Teterk CatfieJraI

Appointed by the Bishop of Nova Scotia in 1872

Thomas Heath Haviland; Edward Jarvis Hodgson J .S. Carvell; Russell G. Freeland John Edward Boyd

Appointed Later The Trustees in 1919 Thomas J. Harris —— 1882 W.A.O. Morson 1904 Edward Bayfield 1894 L.W. Watson 1908 RF. Carvell —— 1904 LE. Brecken 1908

JD. Hyndman 1918 W.L. Cotton 1918

The Trustees held all the church property, and nominated the Priest-Incumbent when a vacancy occurred in that office.