Tie Cfergy of St. Teterfs Cathedral
Tried Incumfients
Rev. George Wright Hodgson, M.A. 1869-1885 Rev. James Simpson, M.A., D.C.L. 1886-1920
Assistant tPriests Rev. John Ellis: 1871—1877 Rev. F.G. Scovil, BA: 1896 Rev. R.D. Bambrick, B.A.: 1878-1882 Rev. T.F. West, B.A.: 1896—1897 Rev. W.B. King, B.A.: 1882-1885 Rev. W.J. Cox, B.A.: 1897-1899 Rev. KC. Hind, B.A.: 1882-1883 Rev. C.R. Harris, B.A.: 1906-1907 Rev. Samuel C. Smythe Rev. H. Scott-Smith, B.A.: 1910—1914 (Priest in Charge): 1885-1886 Rev. F.E.J. Lloyd: 1888-1890 Rev. D.J. Macdonald, B.A.: 1915-1916
Rev. T.H. Hunt, B.A., D.D.: 1888-1904 Rev. T.H. Hunt, DD: 1916 Rev. A.E. Andrew, B.A.: 1895-1896 Rev. Edwin Jukes, B.A.: 1917-1918
’lfie Trustees (#151. Teterk CatfieJraI
Appointed by the Bishop of Nova Scotia in 1872
Thomas Heath Haviland; Edward Jarvis Hodgson J .S. Carvell; Russell G. Freeland John Edward Boyd
Appointed Later The Trustees in 1919 Thomas J. Harris —— 1882 W.A.O. Morson — 1904 Edward Bayfield — 1894 L.W. Watson — 1908 RF. Carvell —— 1904 LE. Brecken — 1908
JD. Hyndman — 1918 W.L. Cotton — 1918
The Trustees held all the church property, and nominated the Priest-Incumbent when a vacancy occurred in that office.