THE ~MILLION ACRE FARM jar/rm, 54m J/wm ”J/uz. ”Zillion dam Jar/1m," In all probability, the most beautiful Silver Fox skin you ever saw came from a Prince Edward Island farm. At any rate, the great Silver Fox Fur Farming Industry was first successfully com— mercialized on The Island, and today Island Silvers are in demand the world over. Fur farm- ing puts many dollars into the pockets of Island agriculturalists; and in addition to straight Sil- vers, many ranchers are now producing the intriguing White—Faced, Ring-Necked and Plat- inum varieties of fox pelt. Prince Edward Island has been well named: “The Million Acre Farm”. It is estimated that the average size of Island farms is 88.8 acres, and that there are 13,701 farms now under cultivation. The fact that almost all these farms are occupied by their owners is a real tribute to the healthy condition of Island agriculture. In a Province where Agriculture is by far the leading industry, the Provincial Department of Agriculture is naturally one of the most im- portant branches of the Government. Headed by Honorable W. H. Dennis, as Minister of Agricul- ture, the Department does everything humanly possible to aid the farmer to institute improved farming methods, and to extend Island markets. There are many enthusiastic agricultural Clubs 12 for young people and more than three hundred active branches of the Women’s Institute, operat- ing under the direction of the Provincial Depart- ment of Agriculture. The Dominion Government, too, is active on Prince Edward Island, and operates in the vicinity of Charlottetown an Experimental Station of more than 333 acres, as well as twelve Illustration Stations in various sections of the Province. Next to fur farming, The Island’s most im- portant agricultural industry is perhaps potato production. Island climate is ideal for the growth of potatoes that are perfect in texture, keeping qualities and flavor. Before being shipped, all potatoes are Government-inspected and graded. In addition to Table potatoes, Seed Stock is an Island specialty. Both Seed and Table stock are shipped regularly in large quantities to many sections of the United States and Canada. Prince Edward Island also does a large export business in Registered Seed Oats. Island Oats are of enviable quality and productiveness and would, no doubt, delight the Scotch pioneers of early days who brought the first oat seeds to these shores. The Island is a disease-free area for cattle (Continued on page 39)