PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND FOODS ARE FAMOUS (Continued from page 27) of poultry and of eggs. Island eggs actually com- mand a premium of two to three cents a dozen over the regular price obtainable in the markets of this continent and Great Britain! The Island also boasts many fine herds of cattle and all Island cattle are absolutely free from bovine tuberculosis thus ensuring clean, wholesome milk and milk products such as butter, cheese and the ice cream of which all children from eight to eighty are so extremely fond. In view of the fact that Island foods are as healthful as it is humanly possible to produce them, it is not strange that Prince Edward Island with its many other summertime attractions is gaining a continent-wide reputation as an ideal family summer resort. And strange as it may seem, Island foods actually afford mothers an op- portunity to enjoy more leisure time themselves! Over and over again that bothersome question: “What can I do now, Mother?” may be well and safely solved by the answer: “Why you can go dig clams!” Or: “Take a dish and go pick blue- berries!” Or strawberries or cranberries accord- ing to the season—for all these small fruits grow wild on the Island. Gathering and selling them is an industry which keeps many local children , Fox Ranchers . . the trend to-day is to “BE ECONOMICAL” FEED SILVER STAR FOX CUBES (ALSO IN MEAL FORM) GUARANTEED ANALYSIS Crude Protein, min. per cent 20.0 Crude Fat, min. per cent 3.0 Crude Fibre, max. pr cent 8.0 lNGREDIENTS:—Dried Meat Meal, Corn, Alfalfa Meal, Feed Oatmeal, \Vheat Germ, Fishmeal, Barleymalt, Flour, Dried Ground Beet Pulp, Molasses, Dried Skim Milk Powder, 1 per cent Iodized Salt, Cod Liver Oil, No. 2 Feed Screenings, Corn Gluten Feed and Soy Bean Oil Meal. Registration No. 1545 Silver Tip Fox Cubes are rapidly taking the place of other Fox Cubes. Quality and Price are both being con- sidered by ranchers duringr these times when the policy is to be economical. FEED SILVER TIP FOX BREADMEATIMEAL GUARANTEED ANALYSIS Crude l’rotein, min. per cent 16.0 Crude Fat, min. per cent .05 Crude Fibre, max. per cent 2.0 INGREDIENTS:——~Yeast, Ground \Vheat, Feeding Bone Meal, .58 per cent Salt, Meat Scrap, Alfalfa Meal, and Hard “'heat Flour. Registration No. 311 Breadmeat .is the most wonderful fox pup and general fox feed, \Vhen soaked in milk or water the liquid will be immediately taken up Good results with females and pups may be had by adding raw eggs. Silver Tip Biscuit Co., Ltd. MONCTON, NEW BRUNSWICK Silver Tip Goods sold by P. E. I. Fur Pool, Ltd. Summerside. Preston Ellis, RR. 3 Summersxde, representative. And other P. E. 1. Dealers. 30 Mothers Visiting the Island may very easily and pleasantly give their children an object lesson on proper diet by taking them to visit one of this Province’s model fox farms at a meal time. The menu that makes the fox’s coat so sleek and shiny and the pups so frisky and playful is a varied one consisting of eggs, fresh meats of many kinds, fish, milk, oatmeal, rice, vegetables, Wholewheat flour and even occasionally a dessert of fruit, strawberries, apples and raisins preferred! Growing—ups and grown-ups alike are very fond of the delicious Scotch cakes, scones, oat cakes and oatmeal porridge served by the descend- ants of the early Scotch settlers who form the greater part of the Island’s population. In Scot- land, oats formed the principal article of diet for many years and the strength and endurance of the “Hardy Scot” have never been questioned. Section of Trout Rearing Ponds at Cardigan, Prince Edward Island. 54,000 trout were raised here in 1940. ALWAYS ON THE JOB Our service as Executor or Trustee is not in- terrupted by absence, illness, pressure of private business or personal matters. In other words, we are always on the job. This point—availability—is important to con- sider when naming your executor and trustee. Our stability as a corporation, our experience and our reputation for rendering a real personal ser- vice, are assurances that we will always be avail- able and ready to serve when your family needs us. Not only may this mean elimination of un- necessary loss, delay and expense, but also added peace of mind for your loved ones. We will gladly explain our other qualifications as your Executor and Trustee. THE CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Saint John, N. B. Woodstock, N. B. ____| Moncton, N. B. Fredericton, N. B.