§om671am¢thatm welt Wont/La, 01411 IN CHARLOTTETOWN one of the most interesting places is the Harris Memorial Art Gallery and the Public Library. On the Mount Edward Road, near Charlottetown, is the Domin— ion Experimental Farm, Whose magnificent flower gardens, hedges and ornamental trees are a source of great delight to visitors. THE PROVINCIAL BUILDING in Charlotte- town with its famous Confederation Chamber is the outstanding centre of tourist interest in the Province of Prince Edward Island. The corner stone was laid on May 16, 1843, and was completed in June, 1847, at a cost of 15,000 pounds sterling. At the west end of the second floor is the Con- federation Chamber, where in 1864 the meeting of the Fathers of Confederation was held. In this room are many documents and relics of priceless historical value. Every year thousands of people visit the Confederation Chamber as an historic shrine whose value will increase as the years pass. SUMMERSIDE, the capital of Prince County, is situated on the South side of Prince Edward Island on Bedeque Bay. One of the most historical buildings in the town is the Kirk, which originally was the Joseph Pope house, built in 1818 at Bedeque, across the harbour. This was the birth— place of J. C. Pope and Thomas Pope, the latter a most intimate friend of Newman at Oxford, who afterwards became the beloved Cardinal Newman of the Roman Catholic Church, the author of the famous hymn “Lead Kindly Light.” Mr. Pope became a noted shipbuilder and later was Canada’s first Minister of Marine and Fisheries. In 1872 one of the first tourist hotels in Can— ada was built on “Holman’s Island” just across the harbour from Summerside, by the late James L. Holman, a pioneer in the Canadian Tourist Indus- try. This hotel contained one hundred and twenty— five rooms all equipped in first class style. Many years later this old hotel was destroyed by fire. GEORGETOWN is the capital of King’s County at the eastern end of Prince Edward Island. It is situated at the juncture of three beau- tiful rivers, viZ., Brudenell, Cardigan and Mont- ague. Georgetown is a fine vacation centre where swimming, fishing and boating can be enjoyed. On a white marble slab in the cemetery at St. Mary’s Church, SOURIS, is the following epitaph: “In memory of the beloved wife of Andrew McInnis —Elizabeth McDonald—died December 15th, 1852, aged 65.” She was a native of Lockaber, Scotland, and had the honor in 1818 of having the first dance with King George III at the Royal Hall, Edinburgh. O’LEARY has one of the finest museums on Prince Edward Island. It is owned by A. J. Math- ieson, druggist, who is always ready to show his interesting collection to visitors. AT CAPE TRAVERSE, near Borden, is lo- cated the famous hand-made pottery studio of Miss Mary Allison Doull. This pottery is made in her own kiln from red Island clay. In addition to her fine collection of pottery Miss Doull has an excellent exhibit of her own paintings, together with interesting articles of an historical nature. PRIVATE HOME, 50 West St., Mrs. William Steeves. 4 rooms, 1 bath. Spring filled mattresses. $1.00 per erson overnight. Quiet residential neighborhood 1 block off Main Street, (route 2). Telephone, Dial 5817, Moncton, New Brunswick. A Garden Scene at Summer side, Prince Edward Island. 33