' Cabins Harbor Vlew Cottages (Government Approved) SUMMERSIDE, Prince Edward Island Features: Running Water, Flush Toilets, Electric Lights, Inner Spring Mattresses. Sun Porches, Hot and Cold Showers, Salt Water Bathing. Temper- ature water 65 to 90°. Beach safe for children, Tea Room. “Step from your Cabin to the lovely Beach” .——n.— -. NO DUST, NO NOISE, NO DISCOMFORTS If you come once, you‘ll come again. For rates and full information write E. E. PARKMAN, Opt. D., MANAGER Phone 209-2 SUMMERSIDE, PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND 24 NOV” SIM/l6! SUMMERS/DE PEI. LOOK FOR THE WINGED CREST TRAVEL COMFORT & SAFETY NEW, MODERN, BUS AND TAXI SERVICE 11 Passenger Busses avail- able for Charter Tours to various points on Prince Edward Island. AIRWAYS, BUS AND TAXI CO. SUMMERSIDE PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND 36 SELECT SILVER FOX PELTS _In 1920 this Association for the Reg- 1strat10n of foxes was incorporated under the Live Stock Pedigree Act. Its Fur Marketing Department organ- ized in 1926 co-operates with primary producers in the orderly disposal of their fox furs. At Head Office we have throughout the Tourist Season a number of choice raw Silver Fox furs. THE CANADIAN NATIONAL SILVER FOX BREEDERS' ASS'N., SUMMERSIDE, PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND, . CANADA